Packaging Providers and FSC® Chain of Custody Certification

Packaging Providers and FSC® Chain of Custody Certification

A publication has recently been released for packaging providers and FSC® Chain of Custody Certification.

If you are in the packaging industry and you hold FSC® certification but do not make use of the trademarks, then this is a great place to learn more.

You can also read the publication here.

Why choose FSC® Chain of Custody Certification?

If you are in the packaging industry you may be asking why in particular you should choose to become FSC® certified.

Maybe you have been asked by one of your clients, or as part of a tender to obtain FSC® certification.

Firstly, forest-based materials used for packaging can be the product of deforestation or poor forestry practices.

Secondly, this is a threat to not only the world’s forests but also to business and brand reputation.

How can FSC® Certification make a difference?

Through responsible management of the forests, the FSC® certification system can help to secure a long-term source of paper and also other forest-based products.

It can also enable you to demonstrate your commitment to responsible forestry to your customers.

There is a growing demand for sustainable products and also packaging. This is primarily due to consumers and businesses seeking to reduce their impact on the planet.

How to obtain FSC® Certification

Lastly, If you are interested in obtaining FSC® Certification then we would love to hear from you.

Interface NRM are an ASI Accredited Certification Body who offer FSC® certification services.

You can call us on 01952 288325, or you can also initiate a live chat on our website.

You can also complete the form below and we will be in touch.

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