Interface NRM becomes an SSIP Certification Body Member


Interface NRM becomes an SSIP Certification Body Member

Great news! We have recently become a Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) Certification Body Member.

Over the course of the last few months, we have been working hard to add the UKAS accredited standard SSIP to our suite of standards. We are pleased to announce that we are now able to offer SSIP alongside our ISO 45001 certification.

What is SSIP?

The main purpose of SSIP is to act as an umbrella organisation to facilitate and maximise mutual cross recognition of health and safety assessments between SSIP member schemes whenever practicable to do so.

Why obtain SSIP as part of your ISO 45001 certification?

Health and safety certification displays a structured approach and established appropriate controls to prevent and reduce the potential for workplace accidents and incidents. It also shows that you are compliant with current health and safety legislation. Providing assurance to your supply chain that you are working in a safe manner. Furthermore assuring your employees that you are protecting them from harm.

SSIP in addition to ISO 45001 certification provides additional assurance for industry-specific customers that you are complying with your duties under the CDM regulations. This is of particular importance in the construction, demolition,  good and services (where on-site visits are being conducted) industries.

If you have been assessed for health and safety by any one of the member schemes registered to SSIP you may then be able to deem to satisfy the same element of another member scheme. This in turn can result in obtaining certification at a reduced cost, with less paperwork and audit time.

You can visit the SSIP website for a full deem to satisfy chart.

Once you have obtained SSIP you will be registered on the SSIP portal. The portal can be accessed at any time, and can be used by your supply chain to verify your accreditation.

Who could benefit from obtaining SSIP?

Companies of all sizes can obtain SSIP, there are no restrictions.

Some of the industries that could benefit from obtaining SSIP are Contractors, subcontractors, construction, building firms, architects, demolition specialists, civil engineers/surveyors, designers and many more.

Talk to us about SSIP

Get in touch with us today to find out more about adding SSIP to your ISO 45001 Certification.

Call us – you can call us during office hours on 01952 288325, or you can also initiate a live chat from our website.

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