In order to obtain ISO 45001, you will firstly need to have in place a set of processes that form a system which matches the framework for an Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS) as laid out in the ISO 45001 Standard. The way in which you implement an OHSMS can vary.

  1. Employ a consultant.

This is by far the simplest way to get started. A Consultant will come in, evaluate what you do and don’t have already in place, and put together an OHSMS tailored to your organisation and meeting the requirements of the Standard. Give the Sales Team a call today and we can send you over a list of recommended consultants we know and trust!

  1. Gap Analysis

A Gap Analysis would take place prior to your certification audits. Giving us a chance to review your systems and highlight any gaps and give you some impartial advice on how you could close those gaps.

You will be provided with a full gap analysis report which you can take away and use towards your system development.