ISO 9001 and 14001 Certification benefits from the new Standard


ISO 9001 and 14001 Certification benefits from the new Standard

The new Standard has been out and about for over a year now. Most of our clients have either developed a new system or a well into the process of doing so. Many are now reflecting on the benefits of the 2015 Standard. And, to be honest, most clients do seem to be finding the new Standard beneficial. After some grumblings about having to rewrite systems documents and ‘change the whole thing, most clients have seen value in moving to a more risk-based approach, and some have started to fundamentally change the way they audit. For some of our clients, there has been a quite profound change, and they are now focused more on critical control points, and using their internal audit to better understand and manage risk.

Not surprisingly, there has been significant uptake of the advantages of integration of management systems, and we have a significant percentage of clients who have integrated ISO 9001 and ISO 14001; either adding a certificate or merging their instrumentation together. Many HSE managers have seen the advantage of this, and we imagine that when ISO 45001 is finally released this will further increase.

Obtaining Certification for your business

Are you interested in obtaining ISO 9001 and/or ISO 14001 Certification for your business? If so we would love to hear from you.

Interface NRM is a UKAS Accredited Certification Body that offers ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification services.

If you would like further information from us you can first visit our website. Alternatively, you can call us on 01952 288322 or you can initiate a live chat from our website pages.

Our online chat facility is manned by our sales/marketing team during office hours

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