Where does rubber come from

Where does rubber come from?

One of the topics discussed in this month’s edition of forest matters is where does rubber come from?

Car tyres, balloons, the soles on our shoes, rubber bands, and also wellies are all made from rubber. But where does it actually come from?

It is sourced from the sap of rubber trees!

Synthetic products are also available. However, these come from a non-renewable source. They also tend to be weaker and less flexible.

Therefore natural rubber becomes an essential product in our everyday lives and we must ensure that it comes from responsible sources.

Find further information about this on their How natural rubber could be harming the world’s forest blog post.

This months edition of Forest Matters

In this month’s edition there is information on the UK National Forest Stewardship Standard and its current revision.

Also how FSC Certification helps Caribou and Dormice.

Read the full newsletter.

Why choose FSC® Certification for your products?

FSC® Certification ensures that these products are produced in forests or plantations with safe working conditions. Additionally with good community relations, without deforestation or other environmental damage.

How to obtain FSC® Certification?

You can find lots of useful information on our website.

However, if you would like more information on obtaining certification for your business we would love to hear from you.

You can call our team on 01952 288322. Or you can also initiate a live chat. We are available on our chat facility during office hours.

Alternatively, you can use our contact form and one of us will be in touch at a time that is convenient for you.


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