Looking for Sustainable Furniture?

Looking for Sustainable Furniture? Keep an Eye Out for the PEFC Certification

As our world becomes more environmentally aware and sustainability-conscious, industries need to step up their game in producing products that align with the changing values. Furniture manufacturing is no exception. The furniture industry has been a significant contributor to deforestation and habitat destruction for decades. To overcome these issues, an excellent way to be conscious of the environment when purchasing furniture is by looking for the PEFC certification symbol.

What is the PEFC Certification?

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is a non-profit organisation founded in 1999. Improving sustainable forest management practices worldwide. PEFC is a sustainable forestry certification scheme. Providing a streamline of evidence that proves that wood-based products come from responsibly managed forests.

So, why should you care about PEFC certification?

Well, it’s a measurable standard that verifies that companies are sourcing from sustainable-sourced forests. ‘Closing the loop’ from forest to final product. It is essential to know that, in some cases, it is possible to claim that a product is sustainable without clear evidence of where it all started, assuring this is vital to the continuity of responsible practices across the chain of custody.

Benefits of choosing furniture with PEFC certification

1. Ensures the sustainability of forests: Buying PEFC certified furniture means that the wood comes from sustainably managed forests. Adhering to standards for environmental, social, and economic practices. It ensures that the forests are managed responsibly so that they can last for generations to come.

2. Support for local communities: PEFC does not only focus on the environment but also on the social impact of forestry, including the forest’s workers and nearby communities. The organisation ensures that responsible forest management also brings economic benefits to local communities that aid their development.

3. Enhances Green credentials: Customers prefer green products and are willing to spend more on products that are considered eco-friendly. Choosing furniture that has PEFC certification enhances the reputation and credentials of sustainable development practices.

4. Assurance of quality and safety: PEFC-certified furniture guarantees the use of quality wood that is free from illegal logging, deforestation, and environmental destruction.

How to verify if the furniture is certified by the PEFC

PEFC certified goods are labeled with the certification symbol and identifying codes that prove that products are sourced from responsibly managed forests. Most furniture producers, designers, and retailers that use certified PEFC wood in their products, will label it with recognition marks such as the “PEFC Certified” mark.

You can also find more info on the PEFC publicly available database. Checking this database of companies will verify if there has been an independent review completed of the company’s forestry practices and that the companies’ processes conform to PEFC’s standards.


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