Together we are FSC® decent work and economic growthTogether we are FSC® decent work and economic growth

Together we are FSC® decent work & economic growth

Interface NRM are supporting the Together we are FSC® decent work & economic growth.

How does FSC® contribute to decent work and economic growth?

FSC® supports the SDG targets on employment, decent work & equal pay. Additionally the eradication of forced labour and child labour, the protection of labour rights and the provision of safe and secure working environments.

The model used by the FSC® certification system actively contributes to sustainable economic development.

There are 3 main principles of FSC® and FSC® forest management which contribute towards this.

The first is workers rights and employment conditions.

The second is the acceptance of reclaimed wood and paper in FSC® certified products

The third is the FSC® Chain of Custody standards themselves.

You can also find further information about this on the FSC® website.

FSC® for your organisation

Interface NRM are an ASI Accredited Certification Body. We offer FSC® Chain of Custody certification services.

If you are interested in obtaining FSC® certification for your organisation then please get in touch with us.

You can call us on 01952 288325, or you can also initiate a live chat on our website.

Additional certification services

In addition to FSC® certification, we are also able to offer UKAS ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 certification.

You can find further information about the certification services we offer on our website.

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