Save money on your mailings with FSC® certification and Royal Mail

Save money on your mailings with FSC® certification and Royal Mail

Did you know that you can save money on your mailings with FSC® certification and Royal Mail?

Royal Mail has implemented Sustainable® Advertising Mail, which is a sustainable approach to mail marketing.

This means that if you want to reach customers through your mail marketing, but you are concerned about its environmental impact. With Sustainable® Advertising Mail, you can ensure that your environmental credentials are intact, whilst saving you some money as well.

Using Sustainable® Advertising Mail also demonstrates to your customers that you care about the environment.

Furthermore, you will not only be reducing waste, increasing recycling rates and have high levels of targeting. You will also save money on your mailings as well.

Royal Mail will guide you in the preparation of mail to have the least environmental impact. Both their Entry Level and Intermediate Level options will provide a discount on the standard Sustainable® Advertising Mail prices.

You can learn more about this in the Royal Mail User Guide for Marketing

Find out more about becoming FSC® certified

If you would like more information on becoming FSC® certified then we would be more than happy to assist you with this.

You can call us on 01952 288325, initiate a live chat, or use our contact us form.

Where is Interface NRM based?

Interface NRM is a UKAS and ASI Accredited Certification Body. We have offices based centrally in Telford, Shropshire serving the Birmingham conurbation, Midlands and the North. Additionally, we have an office in Bournemouth covering the South.

We offer UKAS ISO 9001:2015, UKAS ISO 14001:2015, BS OHSAS 18001:2007, FSC® and PEFC Certification services.


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