Timber distribution and FSC® Certification

Today I have published a new client case study in regards to Timber distribution and FSC® Certification.

Palmer Timber Limited has been a client of Interface since 2018.

Located in the West Midlands, they have been supplying Hardwood, Softwood and Panel Products to a wide range of industries throughout the UK for over 100 years.

You can read all of our case studies on our website.

What is FSC® Certification?

FSC® Certification ensures that from forest to end-user, the FSC® materials have been traced at every stage, and the logo allows customers to identify that the products they purchase come from well-managed forests with high ethical standards.

Find out more on the FSC UK Website.

Find out more about obtaining FSC® Certification for your business

If you would like further information on obtaining FSC Certification for your business we would love to hear from you.

Our team is available from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

You can call us on 01952 288322 or you can also initiate a live chat. Live chat is always manned by one of our team during office hours.

Alternatively, you can complete our contact us form, and one of our team will be in touch at a time that is suitable for you.

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