Textile developer achieves UKAS ISO 9001

Textile developer achieves UKAS ISO 9001 with Interface NRM.

Meryl Medical who are based in Congleton has recently achieved UKAS ISO 9001:2015 Certification with us.

Their services include the research and design of medical and workwear clothing and fabric products.


In recognition of their achievement, Meryl Medical has published an article in Business Mondays which you can read here.

We were really pleased to see that they have taken this opportunity to showcase their certification

Are you communicating your ISO Certification?

We would love to hear how you are communicating your ISO Certification to your clients.

Are you using the logos to promote your certification? If so where are you using them?

Would you like more information on how to promote your certification?

Is there anything more we could do to assist you with this?

Get in touch

If you would like further information on promoting your certification then please email me directly – [email protected].

Additionally, if you are promoting your certification through social media or blog pages please do let me know! I am more than happy to like and share these posts across our pages.

Case Study

I’m always on the lookout for clients who would be willing to provide us with a case study.

Not only are these published on our website, they are also posted across all of our social media channels. In addition to this, I will also contact industry-specific publications to see if there is any interest in publishing an article.

If you would like to speak to me in more detail about this then you can email me at [email protected] or you can call me on 01952 288325. Alternatively, you can use the chat facility on our website which will take you directly through to the sales and marketing team.

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