UKAS IAF CertSearch Is Due To Go Live In May

UKAS IAF CertSearch Is Due To Go Live In May

Were you aware that the UKAS IAF CertSearch Is Due To Go Live In May?

Current UKAS Certification Searches

Previously there has been no centralised database to clarify this information and this has lead to misuse of this information, with companies claiming to be UKAS certified when in fact they may not be.

What is IAF CertSearch?

IAF CertSearch is a real-time, online platform where individually accredited certifications can be checked at any time.

This means that any user I.E. supplier, client, purchaser or regulator can check the UKAS certifications held by a company.

Further information can be found on the UKAS website here.

UKAS Certification With Interface NRM

Interface NRM will be fully participating with the IAF CertSearch.

This means that anybody holding UKAS Certification with us will appear on this database.

Do you have any questions?

If you do have any questions with regards to the IAF CertSearch then please do get in touch with us.

You can call us on 01952 288325, or you can also initiate a live chat on our website.


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