Is your ISO 9001 Certification with a UKAS Accredited Certification Body?
UKAS is the United Kingdom Accreditation Service; it is the sole national accreditation body, for the UK, that is recognised by the government. UKAS is recognised for its ability to assess organisations that provide certification services, against internationally agreed standards.
In other words, UKAS works to ensure that any organisation, of which it accredits, meets all of the applicable standards recognised. Therefore, a UKAS Accredited certification body is the most reliable and the most recognised.
As an organisation, you do not have to choose a UKAS Accredited certification body, and there are many out there who are not. However, in choosing a UKAS Accredited body, you are ensuring that all of your customers will be satisfied and pleased with your certification, and therefore the service or products you provide. It is important to point out, that an ever-increasing number of customers, stakeholders, etc. are insistent on UKAS Accredited Certification.
Why not give us a call, and discuss how UKAS Accredited certification could help you, and ensure that your certificate is recognised globally. You can also view a full list of UKAS Accredited Certification bodies.
Follow us on Twitter to the side of this blog, or visit our services page in the top tabs to see what we can offer you. If you have an ISO Certificate that is from a non-accredited body, talk to us about transferring.
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