What Is ISO 45001 Certification?


ISO 45001 is an internationally recognised standard for occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS). ISO 45001 (OHS) was developed with the aim of providing a robust and effective set of processes for improving the overall workplace safety by reducing workplace risks and enhancing the health and well-being of employees. This standard takes a proactive approach to risk management, with an emphasis on the involvement of top management and the integration of OHS into a business strategy. In the ever evolving business environment, considering workplace health and safety has never been more critical.

Key Benefits:

Workplace SafetyBy managing overall risks and hazards, organisations can significantly reduce the chance of a workplace injury or illness. This in hand increases employee morale, as they feel organisations really care about their overall wellbeing.

Legal ComplianceISO 45001 helps organisations stay compliant with OHS regulations, avoiding any potential legal issues and penalties.

Reputation and Competitive AdvantageAchieving ISO 45001 demonstrates a big commitment to health and safety, which enhances an organisation’s reputation and provides a competitive advantage in the market.

Operational EfficiencyISO 45001 certification leads to safer processes, which can also become more efficient for employees, which can reduce downtime caused by accidents whilst also maintaining efficiency.

Steps To Achieve ISO 45001 Certification

Gap Analysis –  First a thorough assessment is needed to identify existing gaps in your current OHSMS, compared to the ISO 45001 standards and requirements.

Training And Awareness – Training is provided for employees and management to ensure that everyone in the organisation understands the standard and their roles in achieving ISO 45001 compliance.

Implementation – The development and implementation of the necessary processes and controls to meet ISO 45001 standards.

Internal Audits – Internal audits are conducted to ensure the OHSMS is functioning efficiently and identify room for improvement.

Certification Audit – A certified external body conducts the official audit and verifies compliance with the ISO 45001 standard.


ISO 45001 represents a significant step forward in the health and safety within your organisation. By becoming ISO 45001 certified, you not only safeguard your employees, but also achieve greater operational excellence and market credibility. It is overall a proactive approach towards a safer, healthier and more resilient workplace.

Start your ISO 14001 journey with us at Interface NRM. We are a UKAS accredited certification body with a 5 star rating on Trustpilot, with reviews highlighting our excellent customer service. Certification can be a scary process, but we are here to help you every step of the way, and ensure that everything is done as professionally and easily as possible. If you want to find out more, or get started on your journey with ISO 14001, you can contact us today for a free quote using the phone number 01952 288325 or the email address: [email protected]









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