Generating FSC® on-product labels

Generating FSC® on-product labels

Last week Neil and Amy visited FSC® UK in Wales.

One of the things we brought back from this visit was that there are resources available to clients who may need a little bit of assistance in generating FSC® labels.

Below is a step by step video created by FSC® which talks you through this process.

Generating FSC® promotional labels

If you are looking to generate a promotional label, then the principal is the same as the above video. The only difference really is selecting promotional rather than on product on the panel to the left of the portal.

Once you have created your label

Once you have created your FSC® label and put it into placement then you will need to send this over to us for approval. Unless you have your own in house approval process.

We have a dedicated email address to send your approvals over to – [email protected].

Please note that you need to seek approval for every trademark usage. This will be checked at the point of your next audit.

There are now 4 of us (soon to be 5) in the office who are FSC® trademark approvers. Between us, we always aim to get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if you have any questions you can also call us on 01952 288325.



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