Demonstrate your dedication to the environment with ISO 14001

Demonstrate your dedication to the environment with ISO 14001

Your organisation can demonstrate your dedication to the environment with ISO 14001.

The importance of your dedication to the environment is becoming more prolific week by week.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is becoming increasingly important for organisations. It shows that you are dedicated to reducing their impact on the environment.

It takes into account the legislative guidelines for your industry. Also environmental impacts your business may have on the environment.

Implementing UKAS ISO 14001 into your business could lead to a reduction in waste & consumption. It can also lead to an increase in recycling and long term cost savings.

Additionally, it will highlight to your customers that you are an environmentally friendly organisation.

Lastly, it could give you a competitive advantage. UKAS ISO 14001 can also enhance your reputation, in turn, attracting new customers to your organisation.

You can also find further information about ISO 14001 on our website.

This week

This week we have been contacted by a company who are based in London. They wish to put in place systems to ensure they are doing their utmost to fight climate change.

Why choose UKAS ISO 14001 certification?

We get many calls from customers wanting to know the difference between UKAS and non-UKAS certification.

The difference is very clear. UKAS is the only UK Accreditation Body.

Using ‘non-accredited’ or other ISO 14001 Certification Bodies accredited with non-IAF members could leave you with a certificate that is not accepted or recognised.

You can also find further information about this here.



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