3 Ways ISO 14001 helps industry meet environment

3 Ways ISO 14001 helps industry meet environment

The UN announced that 2016 is set to be the warmest year on record, so here are 3 ways your company can reduce its environmental impact and improve credibility…

Reduction of emissions
By implementing ISO 14001, you are committing to working with a greener ethos. The system is seamlessly combined with your company’s strategies to reduce the amount of harmful emissions you produce. This “reduce” approach comes hand-in-hand with cost reductions, and possible tax and liability insurance reductions.

2. Reduction of waste

ISO 14001’s primary focus is waste reduction. By identifying and addressing areas where waste is being created, you can adjust and address this accordingly, whilst improving your green credentials within your local community and with investors too.

3. Raising awareness

By going through the process of being certified for ISO 14001, you are making a statement. You are telling your employees, customers, and potential stakeholders that you are confident in your environmental statements. You can create environmental awareness amongst your workforce, and actively reduce the risks to employees and the environment.

ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised Standard. To learn more click here. If you are interested in being certified, would like a quote or have any general enquiries, please call 01952 288325, or fill out our enquiry form.

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