Why should you choose UKAS ISO 14001 certification

Why should you choose UKAS ISO 14001 certification?

Although we can tell you why should you choose UKAS ISO 14001 certification, sometimes it is really great to hear about it from our client’s perspectives as well.

This was exactly the case with one of our clients who are based in Cradley Heath.

They are a specialist company in the field of refrigeration, air conditioning, and heating.

We have recently received a mailshot from them to publicize the fact that they have now achieved UKAS ISO 14001.

This mailshot contained valuable information on why they chose ISO 14001 certification.

“Protection of the environment is increasingly moving up the agenda for both individuals and companies. **** decided to commit to achieving the ISO 14001 earlier in 2019 and we are delighted that we have now been recognised as meeting the requirements of the standard.“

They have also published our logo on their website to display their certification.

You can also view this on their website here.

Using your certificate and the Interface logos

We are always happy to hear feedback from our customers.

We are equally happy when our customers use their certificates or our logos to display the certification they have achieved.

Why not use these in your literature, emails, website, etc?

If you would like more information on how to do so, then it would be great to hear from you.

You can call our marketing department on 01952 288323 and they would be more than happy to assist you.



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