FOC services available for all UK FSC® trademark licence holders

FOC services available for all UK FSC® trademark licence holders

We wanted to let you all know of the 2 FOC services available for all UK FSC® trademark licence holders.

The first of which is the FSC® Chain of Custody Training.

This is an online training module. It is designed to increase staff knowledge and improve engagement with suppliers.

The second is the Trademark Licence Holder Training.

This we feel is a very important training module which at least 1 staff member should undertake at every organisation holding FSC® certification.

We want you ALL to be using the trademarks! On your websites, brochures, catalogues, emails etc to display that you have a responsible approach to purchasing wood or fibre-based products.

Alongside this training, and the trademark standard we are always here to assist you. So why not start using the trademarks today?

FSC® training services

To access the training please send an email to [email protected]. If you hold an FSC® trademark licence please also provide your licence number.

You can also find further information about the training services available on the FSC® website.

Get in touch

If you would like to talk to us in more detail about this then please do get in touch.

You can call us on 01952 288325, or you can also initiate a live chat on our website.

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