Update your UKAS logos

Here is a gentle reminder to all of our current ISO Certificate Holders to update your UKAS logos. As of the 1st of February 2022, all digital uses of the ISO logo should be as displayed above and include the new UKAS logo.

If you do not have or would like more information on the new logos then please get in touch with Amy – [email protected]

New client portal

You can also obtain the new logos specific to the certifications you currently hold from within your Client Portal. In addition to the logos, the portal also contains your latest audit reports, certificates, recordings of all of our free training events, and copies of all of our Executive Briefings.

If you would like further information on accessing your client portal then please get in touch with Amy at the above email address.

Executive Briefings

If you are a current client of Interface NRM then please keep your eye out for our Executive Briefings.

Once a quarter we provide a high-quality briefing sheet covering a core aspect of certification and auditing.

The aim is to help you with the audit process and to ensure you maximise the benefit of your certification with us.

Our briefings cover Internal audits; Non-conformities and continual improvement; Key Performance Indicators, management reviews, and business improvement; Maximising the benefit of certification; Pre-qualification and tendering; and legal compliance requirements.

However, this list is not exclusive. If there are other topics you would like us to cover then please do let us know.

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