Helping you improve.

Leading provider of UKAS Accredited PEFC certification services.

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Steps to PEFC
Chain of Custody (COC) Certification

3 simple steps for effective UKAS
Accredited Certification




UKAS ISO 9001 is the most widely used standard for Quality Management.

ISO 9001

UKAS ISO 14001 is a recognised standard for Environmental Management.

ISO 14001

ISO 45001 is an internationally recognised standard for Occupational Health and Safety.

ISO 45001

Allowing customers to identify that the products they purchase come from well-managed forests with high ethical standards.


All of our trainers are highly experienced lead auditors and excellent communicators.


UKAS Certification

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No Obligation Quotes

IRCA Qualified

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PEFC is an international independent organisation promoting Sustainable Forest Management through independent third-party certification. It works to encourage best practice within forests and the supply chain, to ensure timber and pulp products are produced in well managed industries whilst respecting the environment and people who live and work in them

Additionally,  it shows that the business carrying the logo holds social and environmentally responsible practices in high regard.

PEFC certification can be applied to products originating from a certified, sustainably managed forest. By purchasing products displaying the PEFC logo you can be assured that it has been sustainably sourced. Additionally,  it shows that the business carrying the logo holds social and environmentally responsible practices in high regard.

Firstly you will need to ensure that the products you are sourcing are from a PEFC certified source. Secondly, you will need to have a Chain of Custody Management System in place for an audit to be conducted against. By far the simplest way to get started in to employ a consultant.

A consultant will come in, evaluate what systems / procedures & documentation you already have in place and can then work with you to implement a Chain of Custody Management System tailored to your organisation Which meets the requirements of the Standard.

Give the Sales Team a call today and we can send you over a list of recommended consultants whose management systems we know and trust!

Once you have ensured your products are from a PEFC certified source, and have implemented your Chain of Custody Management System you can then apply for certification. The audit process is simple and we aim to make it as hassle free for your organisation as possible. Once you have successfully completed your audit, Interface will issue you with your certificate.

All relevant, up to date information for PEFC Certification can be found in our document library

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